Het Entrepot (live) with fleuryfontaine

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Fotografie: Stijn Boelens, Het Entrepot. Thanks

I was invited by fleuryfontaine to produce a live soundtrack to their installation Théâtre Des Opérations in Het Entrepot (Bruges, BE), the rendition of the Cut The Crap residency. Using one of their current favorite materials, paraffin, it is a meditation on the drone pilot’s working desk, an essential and rather new element in modern warfare, though not completely breaking up with the tradition of aerial war started in WWI.

The Cut The Crap program is part of current WWI commemorations in West-Belgium. Coincidentally, a couple of days before, I accidentally realized how some of my father’s WWI gun brass shells ringed rather well, like tibetan bowls. He lent two of them to me for the show, the largest ones, and I integrated them into Draisine’s regular set-up, processing their ringing sounds, while fleuryfontaine played a doomed go game.

Hear an extract :

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